1 October 2017
GFIA's new Annual Report provides an overview of the federation’s activities over the past 12 months, along with positions and opinion pieces on all the main global insurance topics of the day.
Now five years old, GFIA has developed a close working relationship with all the major international bodies engaged in insurance-related matters. It provides regular input to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) on its development of an insurance capital standard, for example, and keeps the G20 leaders informed on insurance issues.
In the past year, it has also commented on IAIS Insurance Core Principles and ComFrame revisions, given feedback on two IAIS application papers and provided input into OECD and Financial Stability Board consultations. All this and more is covered in the new Annual Report.
GFIA president, Governor Dirk Kempthorne, commented: "What strikes me most, as I look at our activities, is the multitude of topics on which GFIA is working. Over the last year, we have made insurers’ voices heard in international discussions on a wide variety of important issues including capital standards, corporate governance, market access, taxation, cyber risk and financial inclusion. Looking ahead to 2018, our 40 member associations in 61 countries are committed to building on our strong foundations of partnership and excellence.”
The 2016-2017 annual report is available here.